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remote learning resources


digital teaching tools from the Idaho science coaches


Resources from Science Buddies

  • 178 new STEM activities. These short-term activities work in a variety of learning scenarios, including remote learning and family science.


  • 97 new NGSS-aligned lesson plans to help educators teach STEM concepts.


  • 83 new STEM videos. These short videos bring our STEM content to life and help support learners who benefit from visual content.


  • 28 new project ideas for students doing independent science and engineering projects.


  • SimPandemic, a free, customizable simulation tool that allows users to model how a pandemic evolves based on different variables. Lesson Plans are available to help educators use SimPandemic to teach about vaccines, herd immunity, and R0.



  • A 30-day Doing Science at Home series in which our Vice President of STEM Education shared her experience doing a new STEM activity with her kids each day.


  • A 10-week virtual Summer of STEM series, with weekly themes to help parents and educators keep kids engaged.



  • A set of COVID-19 activities to support learning about the pandemic and to help answer science questions about viruses and COVID-19.


  • The 6th Annual Fluor Engineering Challenge. More than 4,900 students entered the 2020 Cricket Wicket Challenge. (The 2021 Fluor Challenge will be announced in January!)



The Ultimate STEM Resource Guide for Kids


nsta Daily do

Sensemaking tasks teachers and families can use to engage students


science mom

Kid friendly video feed by a scientist: courses, projects, curiosities 


into the outdoors

environmental awareness, outdoor activities, stewardship


science trek

PBS elementary science lessons, videos


flinn at home science

interactive labs


Amplify science

science videos  access to curriculum


stem teaching tools  

learning menus


twig education

calendar of events, PD, lessons., and more


3d phenomena videos


science for the classroom and building blocks of science 3d 

resources, lessons, literature


Carolina science

middle and high school lessons and resources



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